Takeaways from the GIP Event: COVID & the Climate
This GIP event was incredibly enlightening and made me realize I held a number of misconceptions about climate change, the pandemic, and its solutions. Firstly, I assumed that the pandemic would lower carbon emissions since fewer airplanes were flying and fewer cars were being driven. However, it would appear that the impact of the pandemic on climate change is actually pretty minimal. I also assumed that while switching to clean energy (such as solar) is better for the environment, it's also more expensive. While it is true that it's better for the environment, I have learned that it's not actually more expensive. Dr. Wennberg's example of Texas on track for net zero emissions with respect to electricity was quite interesting to me, since they are not switching for the climate, but simply because its cheaper! Finally, a third misconception that I have since shed thanks to Dr. Wennberg's insight is the idea that personal choice is the number one way you can help combat climate change. When I say personal choice, I mean measures like taking shorter showers or turning off the lights when you leave a room. While, its always good to make small changes like this, Dr. Wennberg really highlighted that its new innovations and technologies that are ultimately going to help lead us out of this climate crisis. So, the best thing you can do for climate change is to either vote (voting for more funding, perhaps, towards research), or recognize the importance of these new innovations. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this GIP event and appreciated Dr. Wennberg's wisdom!
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